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After a Blind Date with An Omega Rival

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【Protección contra rayos】
[Escribir escoria, escribir es un pasatiempo puro. 】
[Los escenarios privados son como montañas, A no debería tener ninguno. 】
[Si ve algo que no le gusta, detenga sus pérdidas a tiempo, no se lastime, la vida es difícil, solo sea feliz. 】
【Con vice cp~】

Yu Heyi estaba acostado en el hospital cuando recibió la invitación de Omega, de quien había estado enamorado durante muchos años.
Tuvo un accidente de coche durante la carrera y tuvo que retirarse.
Bajo el doble golpe, Yu Heyi aceptó la propuesta de su madre.
Cita a ciegas.
Su madre elogió a la otra parte como una flor, diciendo que ella era la mejor Omega, tan hermosa como una flor y suave y tierna.
¡Descubrió que la cita a ciegas es la persona más odiada, nadie!
Su rival: Chi Ruixi.
No había descubierto cómo su rival beta se convirtió en Omega.
Etiquétala el día de la cita a ciegas.
O Chi Ruixi llorando y rogándole que marque...
Luego, Yu Heyi dijo tres palabras.
“Seré responsable, cumpliré con las obligaciones de Alpha”
“Seré amable y considerado contigo”
“Pero, será mejor que no esperes demasiado amor”
Chi Ruixi sonrió y dijo: "No es necesario"
La desempleada Yu Heyi fue contratada por su madre para ser cocinera en la cafetería de la escuela secundaria xx.
¿Descubrí que el profesor de idiomas gentil y delicado era en realidad Chi Ruixi?
Pero Chi Ruixi, que habló con frialdad, la hizo sentir extraña e incómoda.
Yu Heyi pensó que lo que la atrajo de Chi Ruixi fue la feromona, de lo contrario, ¿cómo podría ver a Chi Ruixi como una dama de honor en la boda más encantadora que la novia que le había gustado durante muchos años?
Y luego confundió y marcó permanentemente a Chi Ruixi.
Chi Ruixi ha estado esperando que ese estúpido Alfa admita que la ama, pero su estúpido Alfa es realmente estúpido.
Asqueroso cuerpo e integridad

Etiquetas de contenido: un punto débil, una combinación hecha en el cielo, texto dulce
Palabras clave de búsqueda: Protagonista: Yu Heyi, Chi Ruixi ┃ Papeles secundarios: Jiang Qi, Chi Shengxi, Chi Ying, Zhan Yuan ┃ Otros: Du Ruo, Lao Yu
Resumen de una oración: la etiqueté después de una cita a ciegas fallida con mi rival
Propósito: No olvidar la intención original, enfrentar la vida positivamente

- Descripción de MTLNovels


Título corto:ABDAOR
Titulo original:与omega情敌相亲之后
Autor(a):Ruo Tao Li
Weekly Rank:#4050
Monthly Rank:#3933
All Time Rank:#7888
Tags:ABO, Beautiful Female Lead, Blind Dates, Enemy to Lover, Female Protagonist, Love Interests Falls in Love First, Modern Day, Omegaverse,
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14 vote(s)

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  1. Chapter 38 Chi Ruixi also accidentally saw Yu Heyi. She originally followed Chi Ying's back to look over, but she didn't expect to see Yu Heyi, seemed like she was smoking. Although she immediately stepped on the cigarette butt, Chi Ruixi still saw it. Thinking that this person hasn't heard any news for a day, and is still hiding in the corner to smoke, I feel a little annoyed.

  2. Chapter 38 Chi Ruixi also accidentally saw Yu Heyi. She originally followed Chi Ying's back to look over, but she didn't expect to see Yu Heyi, seemed like she was smoking. Although she immediately stepped on the cigarette butt, Chi Ruixi still saw it. Thinking that this person hasn't heard any news for a day, and is still hiding in the corner to smoke, I feel a little annoyed. After a short meal, I went back to the office. Chi Ruixi's class was in the second and third periods in the afternoon, so after the meal, Chi Ruixi went back to the office to rest. She originally planned to sleep for a while, but thinking of Yu Heyi, she couldn't sleep, so she took out her phone. Glancing at the chat box with Yu Heyi, the last message was sent by Yu Heyi yesterday, saying that he was waiting for her in the parking lot. The communication between the two people is basically like this recently, such as what to eat, or Yu Heyi waiting for her in the parking lot. In fact, her legs are already healed, but she is still in Yu Heyi's car, and Yu Heyi is driving Very handsome at the time, no? Like her, a little clumsy. After watching the dialog for a while, Chi Ruixi still couldn't help sending a WeChat message to Yu Heyi. "Have you eaten at noon?" Sometimes Yu He is busy until after two o'clock in the afternoon? I don't know if I can eat earlier today. After waiting for a while after sending WeChat, Yu Heyi still didn't reply. After half an hour, he still didn't reply. Chi Ruixi kept staring at the dialog box and didn't fall asleep for the afternoon nap. When the class was about to start, Teacher Cheng and several other teachers came back and chatted as they came in: "It's the second year of high school now, don't you? Hurry up to study, but you still have the heart to fall in love." The English teacher who was chatting with her, a Young female beta: "Mr. Cheng, is there a puppy love in your class?" "Yeah, you even passed a note during class, I thought I couldn't read it." Then the two had a heated discussion on the topic of puppy love. Chi Ruixi didn't participate, but now she knew what was wrong with Chi Ying and Zhan Yuan? Late Ying and Zhan Yuan are also a bit like puppy love. Chi Ying has been divided, but Zhan Yuan has not yet, so she never thought about that before, but after thinking about it carefully, feelings are not meant to be divided and divided. Like her. When there was no differentiation, he fell in love with Yu Heyi at first sight. Fortunately, she turned into an Omega, so she could be with Yu Heyi... Thinking of this, Chi Ruixi suddenly remembered something, she remembered that Zhan Wish was predicted to be an alpha. The late movie is also an alpha, if Zhanyuan is also divided into alpha. ...that's AA love? She doesn't care, but the two Chi family probably won't agree. With such a mood, Chi Ruixi put aside the fact that Yu Heyi did not reply to her WeChat account. When she saw Chi Ying and Zhan Yuan in class, she was a little worried. The late Ying and Zhan Ying that were being watched clearly felt that Is it normal for Chi Ruixi? Chi Ruixi's eyes often wandered over the two of them, and she felt a little worried. The two of them were confused, they didn't look at each other before class, but Chi Ruixi's eyes were too obvious, Chi Ying looked at Zhan Yuan, and Zhan Yuan also looked at Chi Ying. Even after class, the two of them ran out of the classroom together in tacit understanding. It wasn't until she got to the playground that Chi Ying remembered that she was holding Zhanyuan's hand, but she didn't put it down immediately, but felt it carefully. Zhanyuan's hand was so soft, almost as soft as Omega's. . It's not like people who want to differentiate into alpha in the future. In the end, Zhanyuan couldn't take it anymore and pulled out his hand. Her face was a little red, just now Chi Ying actually squeezed her hand to play. Today, the two of them were obviously having an awkward fight, and then they actually held hands together after class? Running out, no matter how you think about it, it makes people feel embarrassed. Both of them thought that they were the losers. No? As an alpha, Chi Ying is still a little self-conscious. She has to speak up if she has any questions. She and Zhan Yuan are going to be good friends for a lifetime. They can't hurt their friendship because of such a small thing. "Today, wasn't I the one who asked her to bring me breakfast, and she insisted on handing it to me." Chi Ying said that their class just split up and was a female Omega. , I have been looking for Chi Ying since the separation, and recently it has gone too far. I actually changed the method to bring Chi Ying breakfast, and today is the same. I usually don't eat late screenings. Zhanyuan usually brings her when she doesn't eat breakfast, but today Zhanyuan came a little late. The girl just handed her breakfast. When she hesitated for a while, Zhanyuan said coming. Without even listening to an explanation, he said to her, "Someone bought you breakfast, so I won't bring it for you in the future." In fact, Zhanyuan bought her breakfast, but she brought it up on her own initiative. ?Eating breakfast, but Zhanyuan would go to the cafeteria to buy it every day, so she rubbed and rubbed, Zhanyuan got used to it, and she got used to eating too. But at this moment, Chi Ying felt a little aggrieved, she didn't eat the breakfast given by that person. The more aggrieved, the more angry he became. He didn't care about the blushing girl at all, and started saying, "I didn't eat the breakfast she gave me, don't you? You want to wrong me." When Zhan Yuan heard her words, her face turned pale all of a sudden. She felt that Chi Ying had wronged her. She retorted, "Didn't you guys have a good time in gym class yesterday ?" It was a little uncomfortable, so Chi Ying played a lesson with this girl. So Chi Ying was even more aggrieved when she heard her finish: "It's obvious that you are not comfortable first." Chi Ying was aggrieved, and Zhan Yuan was also aggrieved. She didn't know what happened yesterday, so she felt a little uncomfortable, so she asked for leave. But later, after she felt more comfortable, she wanted to go to the playground to find Chi Ying, but when she saw that she was chatting with the girl happily, she didn't see her at all, and then Zhan Yuan went back in a fit of anger. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. She had never played with anyone else, but Chi Ying... She played well with many people. Zhanyuan's eyes were a little swollen, as if she was about to cry, didn't she want to cry in front of Chi Ying, so she lowered her head to hold back her tears, Chi Ying felt a little guilty when she saw her like this, as if just now? She was too fierce? But Zhanyuan, why do you still cry so much, obviously in the future? The person who turned into an alpha, Chi Ying took two steps forward, patted Zhanyuan on the shoulder and said, "She's an Omega, you eat her vinegar. Well? You're going to be divided into an alpha in the future." No? It's okay to say this, after saying this, Zhan Yuan's tears were held back, and her face became colder. "What's wrong with Omega?" Chi Ying was taken aback by Zhan Yuan's tone, and whispered, "Why are you so fierce all of a sudden?" She didn't understand, why did Zhan Yuan want to eat Omega vinegar, frowned and continued to say : "I mean that you will also be separated in the future? Become an alpha anyway, what's the point of being jealous with Omega?" Who knew Zhan Yuan asked back: "How do you know that I will definitely be separated? Become an alpha?" Chi Ying was dumbfounded, Yes, how can it be? She predicts that it will be beta, and it will be divided into alpha, and her aunt will be divided into Omega. But Zhan Yuan's words... Chi Ying twitched the corners of her mouth, took Zhan Yuan's arm and said, "Stop joking, don't you? Do you want to differentiate into an alpha?" Zhan Yuan pulled her hand away, Looking at her with a foolish expression, she walked away without looking back. Chi Ying was left alone, blinking, looking at the hand that was thrown away by Zhan Yuan? A little overwhelmed. At this time, someone behind her patted her and said in her ear, "You just now? You seemed a little stupid." Chi Ying was startled, and when she looked back, it was Yu Heyi. "You...why are you here?" Yu Heyi pointed to the two little wild cats in the distance and said, "I was feeding the cats there just now, and you didn't see me." She wanted to say no? Yes Eavesdropping, she came first. Chi Ying glared at her angrily and said, "My aunt also said you were a fool." Chi Ruixi said I was a fool? As soon as Yu He heard Chi Ying's words, he was stunned for a moment, then looked a little angry, Chi Ying threw a sentence: "I'm going back to class" and then ran away like a puff of smoke. "Hey~!" Yu Heyi was a little speechless, thinking what are you running for? No? Was it your aunt who told me? Where is she stupid? If she had heard Chi Ruixi say that to her before, she might, probably, maybe, go to Chi Ruixi to settle the account, and then ask Chi Ruixi why she said that. If it was an alpha, it might still do it. But now... Chi Ruixi is her own Omega. Yu He walked slowly to the door of Chi Ruixi's office. She didn't know if Chi Ruixi had a class, but she still wanted to try her luck in the office. Just as she was about to knock on the door, someone came out. It was a teacher she hadn't seen before. The male teacher glanced at her, and from that inexplicable aura, Yu Heyi felt that the other party was an alpha, 30 years old and up, looking a little serious. Seeing her wearing a T-shirt and slacks, the man thought he was a student, and scolded her: "Why not? Wear a school uniform? Not yet? Go to class, which class are you from. " Kind of embarrassing. She usually wears more casual clothes. She looks much younger than her peers with a ponytail. She looks like she is in her early twenties, but she is considered a high school student. "I'm not a student, I'm here to find someone." The man looked her up and down, and then his face was still a little unkind. Yu Heyi thought that maybe this was the hostility between the alphas. But to be honest, she has rarely seen this kind of hostility recently. It was often encountered during competitions before. At present, only Lao Zhang from a while ago was like this. "I'm looking for Teacher Chi." Yu He kept looking at him and said. The man's face was still a little bad, but he still replied to Yu Heyi: "Mr. Chi is in class." Yu Heyi thought this man was a bit baffling, but he politely said thank you, and then walked to the classroom. While walking, Yu Heyi thought, this person's hostility seems to be a little different, it feels like he has seen a rival in love, is he really a rival in love? Just now? When she mentioned Chi Ruixi, the teacher's eyes seemed to eat her, and she could even smell the pungent and unpleasant pheromone of that person just now. It was just for a moment, but Yu Heyi also planned to release pheromone to resist. The more you think about Yu Heyi, the more angry you become, why is Chi Ruixi so attractive? The author has something to say: Chi Xiaoying used to laugh at others, and now he is also laughed at. Thanks to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2021-05-16 16:46:41~2021-05-17 17:48:19~ Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: Catren Lang 1 Gus; Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 46946391 1 bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! previous chapter bookmark back to directory next chapter HomeMy BookshelfReading History The content of this site is only for free learning and communication, and may not be used for any commercial purposesreturn After a blind date with an omega rival Traditional Chinese set up turn off the lights Big middle Small Chapter 38 Chi Ruixi also accidentally saw Yu Heyi. She originally followed Chi Ying's back to look over, but she didn't expect to see Yu Heyi, seemed like she was smoking. Although she immediately stepped on the cigarette butt, Chi Ruixi still saw it. Thinking that this person hasn't heard any news for a day, and is still hiding in the corner to smoke, I feel a little annoyed. After a short meal, I went back to the office. Chi Ruixi's class was in the second and third periods in the afternoon, so after the meal, Chi Ruixi went back to the office to rest. She originally planned to sleep for a while, but thinking of Yu Heyi, she couldn't sleep, so she took out her phone. Glancing at the chat box with Yu Heyi, the last message was sent by Yu Heyi yesterday, saying that he was waiting for her in the parking lot. The communication between the two people is basically like this recently, such as what to eat, or Yu Heyi waiting for her in the parking lot. In fact, her legs are already healed, but she is still in Yu Heyi's car, and Yu Heyi is driving Very handsome at the time, no? Like her, a little clumsy. After watching the dialog for a while, Chi Ruixi still couldn't help sending a WeChat message to Yu Heyi. "Have you eaten at noon?" Sometimes Yu He is busy until after two o'clock in the afternoon? I don't know if I can eat earlier today. After waiting for a while after sending WeChat, Yu Heyi still didn't reply. After half an hour, he still didn't reply. Chi Ruixi kept staring at the dialog box and didn't fall asleep for the afternoon nap. When the class was about to start, Teacher Cheng and several other teachers came back and chatted as they came in: "It's the second year of high school now, don't you? Hurry up to study, but you still have the heart to fall in love." The English teacher who was chatting with her, a Young female beta: "Mr. Cheng, is there a puppy love in your class?" "Yeah, you even passed a note during class, I thought I couldn't read it." Then the two had a heated discussion on the topic of puppy love. Chi Ruixi didn't participate, but now she knew what was wrong with Chi Ying and Zhan Yuan? Late Ying and Zhan Yuan are also a bit like puppy love. Chi Ying has been divided, but Zhan Yuan has not yet, so she never thought about that before, but after thinking about it carefully, feelings are not meant to be divided and divided. Like her. When there was no differentiation, he fell in love with Yu Heyi at first sight. Fortunately, she turned into an Omega, so she could be with Yu Heyi... Thinking of this, Chi Ruixi suddenly remembered something, she remembered that Zhan Wish was predicted to be an alpha. The late movie is also an alpha, if Zhanyuan is also divided into alpha. ...that's AA love? She doesn't care, but the two Chi family probably won't agree. With such a mood, Chi Ruixi put aside the fact that Yu Heyi did not reply to her WeChat account. When she saw Chi Ying and Zhan Yuan in class, she was a little worried. The late Ying and Zhan Ying that were being watched clearly felt that Is it normal for Chi Ruixi? Chi Ruixi's eyes often wandered over the two of them, and she felt a little worried. The two of them were confused, they didn't look at each other before class, but Chi Ruixi's eyes were too obvious, Chi Ying looked at Zhan Yuan, and Zhan Yuan also looked at Chi Ying. Even after class, the two of them ran out of the classroom together in tacit understanding. It wasn't until she got to the playground that Chi Ying remembered that she was holding Zhanyuan's hand, but she didn't put it down immediately, but felt it carefully. Zhanyuan's hand was so soft, almost as soft as Omega's. . It's not like people who want to differentiate into alpha in the future. In the end, Zhanyuan couldn't take it anymore and pulled out his hand. Her face was a little red, just now Chi Ying actually squeezed her hand to play. Today, the two of them were obviously having an awkward fight, and then they actually held hands together after class? Running out, no matter how you think about it, it makes people feel embarrassed. Both of them thought that they were the losers. No? As an alpha, Chi Ying is still a little self-conscious. She has to speak up if she has any questions. She and Zhan Yuan are going to be good friends for a lifetime. They can't hurt their friendship because of such a small thing. "Today, wasn't I the one who asked her to bring me breakfast, and she insisted on handing it to me." Chi Ying said that their class just split up and was a female Omega. , I have been looking for Chi Ying since the separation, and recently it has gone too far. I actually changed the method to bring Chi Ying breakfast, and today is the same. I usually don't eat late screenings. Zhanyuan usually brings her when she doesn't eat breakfast, but today Zhanyuan came a little late. The girl just handed her breakfast. When she hesitated for a while, Zhanyuan said coming. Without even listening to an explanation, he said to her, "Someone bought you breakfast, so I won't bring it for you in the future." In fact, Zhanyuan bought her breakfast, but she brought it up on her own initiative. ?Eating breakfast, but Zhanyuan would go to the cafeteria to buy it every day, so she rubbed and rubbed, Zhanyuan got used to it, and she got used to eating too. But at this moment, Chi Ying felt a little aggrieved, she didn't eat the breakfast given by that person. The more aggrieved, the more angry he became. He didn't care about the blushing girl at all, and started saying, "I didn't eat the breakfast she gave me, don't you? You want to wrong me." When Zhan Yuan heard her words, her face turned pale all of a sudden. She felt that Chi Ying had wronged her. She retorted, "Didn't you guys have a good time in gym class yesterday ?" It was a little uncomfortable, so Chi Ying played a lesson with this girl. So Chi Ying was even more aggrieved when she heard her finish: "It's obvious that you are not comfortable first." Chi Ying was aggrieved, and Zhan Yuan was also aggrieved. She didn't know what happened yesterday, so she felt a little uncomfortable, so she asked for leave. But later, after she felt more comfortable, she wanted to go to the playground to find Chi Ying, but when she saw that she was chatting with the girl happily, she didn't see her at all, and then Zhan Yuan went back in a fit of anger. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. She had never played with anyone else, but Chi Ying... She played well with many people. Zhanyuan's eyes were a little swollen, as if she was about to cry, didn't she want to cry in front of Chi Ying, so she lowered her head to hold back her tears, Chi Ying felt a little guilty when she saw her like this, as if just now? She was too fierce? But Zhanyuan, why do you still cry so much, obviously in the future? The person who turned into an alpha, Chi Ying took two steps forward, patted Zhanyuan on the shoulder and said, "She's an Omega, you eat her vinegar. Well? You're going to be divided into an alpha in the future." No? It's okay to say this, after saying this, Zhan Yuan's tears were held back, and her face became colder. "What's wrong with Omega?" Chi Ying was taken aback by Zhan Yuan's tone, and whispered, "Why are you so fierce all of a sudden?" She didn't understand, why did Zhan Yuan want to eat Omega vinegar, frowned and continued to say : "I mean that you will also be separated in the future? Become an alpha anyway, what's the point of being jealous with Omega?" Who knew Zhan Yuan asked back: "How do you know that I will definitely be separated? Become an alpha?" Chi Ying was dumbfounded, Yes, how can it be? She predicts that it will be beta, and it will be divided into alpha, and her aunt will be divided into Omega. But Zhan Yuan's words... Chi Ying twitched the corners of her mouth, took Zhan Yuan's arm and said, "Stop joking, don't you? Do you want to differentiate into an alpha?" Zhan Yuan pulled her hand away, Looking at her with a foolish expression, she walked away without looking back. Chi Ying was left alone, blinking, looking at the hand that was thrown away by Zhan Yuan? A little overwhelmed. At this time, someone behind her patted her and said in her ear, "You just now? You seemed a little stupid." Chi Ying was startled, and when she looked back, it was Yu Heyi. "You...why are you here?" Yu Heyi pointed to the two little wild cats in the distance and said, "I was feeding the cats there just now, and you didn't see me." She wanted to say no? Yes Eavesdropping, she came first. Chi Ying glared at her angrily and said, "My aunt also said you were a fool." Chi Ruixi said I was a fool? As soon as Yu He heard Chi Ying's words, he was stunned for a moment, then looked a little angry, Chi Ying threw a sentence: "I'm going back to class" and then ran away like a puff of smoke. "Hey~!" Yu Heyi was a little speechless, thinking what are you running for? No? Was it your aunt who told me? Where is she stupid? If she had heard Chi Ruixi say that to her before, she might, probably, maybe, go to Chi Ruixi to settle the account, and then ask Chi Ruixi why she said that. If it was an alpha, it might still do it. But now... Chi Ruixi is her own Omega. Yu He walked slowly to the door of Chi Ruixi's office. She didn't know if Chi Ruixi had a class, but she still wanted to try her luck in the office. Just as she was about to knock on the door, someone came out. It was a teacher she hadn't seen before. The male teacher glanced at her, and from that inexplicable aura, Yu Heyi felt that the other party was an alpha, 30 years old and up, looking a little serious. Seeing her wearing a T-shirt and slacks, the man thought he was a student, and scolded her: "Why not? Wear a school uniform? Not yet? Go to class, which class are you from. " Kind of embarrassing. She usually wears more casual clothes. She looks much younger than her peers with a ponytail. She looks like she is in her early twenties, but she is considered a high school student. "I'm not a student, I'm here to find someone." The man looked her up and down, and then his face was still a little unkind. Yu Heyi thought that maybe this was the hostility between the alphas. But to be honest, she has rarely seen this kind of hostility recently. It was often encountered during competitions before. At present, only Lao Zhang from a while ago was like this. "I'm looking for Teacher Chi." Yu He kept looking at him and said. The man's face was still a little bad, but he still replied to Yu Heyi: "Mr. Chi is in class." Yu Heyi thought this man was a bit baffling, but he politely said thank you, and then walked to the classroom. While walking, Yu Heyi thought, this person's hostility seems to be a little different, it feels like he has seen a rival in love, is he really a rival in love? Just now? When she mentioned Chi Ruixi, the teacher's eyes seemed to eat her, and she could even smell the pungent and unpleasant pheromone of that person just now. It was just for a moment, but Yu Heyi also planned to release pheromone to resist. The more you think about Yu Heyi, the more angry you become, why is Chi Ruixi so attractive?

  3. Hi guys, I'm looking for a novel about MC He's reincarnated as a leader in Germany in World War II. And he wrote in Chapter Three that he's going to help China tear Japan apart, I want that for show my brother how much there is racism at the Chinese novel

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