
Casa » Dating After Divorce

Dating After Divorce

5.0 (14 opiniónes)
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Luo Zhen se sorprendió cuando su esposa, que había estado casada durante tres años, de repente le pidió el divorcio.
"Señorita Luo, no creo que seamos adecuados".
La voz de su esposa aún era suave y dulce, pero era tan fría y sin rastro de emoción.
Al pensar en lo que mostró en la fiesta de un amigo hace unos días, Luo Zhen sintió como si le hubieran dado una fuerte bofetada en la cara——
Mi esposa se porta bien y es considerada, amable y virtuosa, y yo soy una pareja hecha en el cielo, y me resisto a sacarlo a relucir para mostrártelo.
"Señorita Luo, si no quiere divorciarse, también solicitaré la separación al tribunal".
El acuerdo de divorcio estaba frente a él, y la insistencia de su esposa resonaba en sus oídos.
Luo Zhen, que tenía un corazón frío a los ojos de los extraños, sintió un dolor incontrolable en su corazón en este momento——
“Vete y vete.”
No hay por qué y no hay enredo.
Tres años de matrimonio terminaron inexplicablemente.
Nos vemos de nuevo después de cinco años.
La ex jovencita del Grupo Rock ahora se ha convertido en vendedora de vinos en un bar.
La ex esposa, que en ese entonces estaba decidida a divorciarse, no parecía estar muy bien.
Luo Zhen se burló y empujó a la persona a la esquina, los ojos en el rostro glamoroso y seductor eran fríos –
“¿Cuando te ibas a ir, te negaste a tomar un centavo, pero viniste al bar a vender tu cara?”
La ex esposa aburrida y aburrida tiene la misma personalidad que antes, su rostro se sonrojó cuando le dijeron una palabra y se quedó en silencio.
No fue hasta que los labios de Luo Zhen estuvieron a punto de caer que ella giró la cabeza y se negó suavemente.
“Señorita Luo, muestre algo de respeto. Si le preocupa que mi identidad actual avergüence a la de Luo, puede estar seguro de que nunca he revelado nuestra relación con nadie”.
Después de cinco años de ausencia, las alas cada vez son más duras.
El corazón de Luo Zhen estaba bloqueado por la ira, y después de un tiempo, soltó a su ex esposa de sus brazos y abrió la boca como un engaño—
“En primer lugar, ¿por qué querías divorciarte?”

* [Tener un hijo, estilo sangre de perro] Por favor, no busque ciencia en el artículo sobre el parto, el artículo sobre sangre de perro corre con la pelota, el moño pequeño es súper lindo y lindo
* [Lectores de Lei Shengzi, Lei Gou Xue, cuidado] Hay algunos lectores que ni siquiera han leído el primer capítulo y han dado marcas negativas o dejado comentarios con malas palabras directamente por el título o la redacción. No quieren que esto vuelva a suceder.

Etiquetas de contenido: Tener un hijo, tener debilidad, romper el espejo y reencontrarse, matrimonio y amor
Palabras clave de búsqueda: Protagonista: Luo Zhen, Ning Rou ┃ Papeles secundarios: Ning Baobao, Luo Fanxing, Xu Yinuo ┃ Otros: [Empezar a salir después del matrimonio GL] Recibir por adelantado ~
Introducción de una oración: Enamorarse de la ex esposa
Propósito: El amor hace que la vida esté llena de esperanza, sin miedo a las dificultades y dificultades

- Descripción de MTLNovels


Título corto:DAD
Titulo original:离婚后开始谈恋爱GL
Autor(a):Carrying hoes and funeral flowers
Weekly Rank:#3888
Monthly Rank:#3523
All Time Rank:#8624
Tags:Beautiful Female Lead, Childcare, Divorce, Female Protagonist, Human Experimentation, Modern World, Urban,
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26 Comments on “Dating After Divorce
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  1. No, forget what I said. This is well-written. While the MC never fully appreciated what the FL did for her before the divorce, she did love her in a way that she knew how to in the beginning for the upbringing that she had. They were originally in a contract marriage so the MC wouldn’t be married off by her father, so initially, there were no feelings involved for the two of the three years of marriage they were together. She didn’t anything about the FL, so I think her shallow perspective made sense. The MC just needed a little more time to put herself together when she fell for her in their third year, and before she could they divorced. Everything that she does after she finds the FL makes up for her previous judgement of the FL. Also, while the FL is introduced as some kind of weak, submissive woman, she is the most strongest character in this book. The fact that she hasn’t gone insane speaks volume :(

  2. Ack, I’m on chapter 5 and the MC’s too overbearing for me. She fell for the FL because she’s an obedient dog who does whatever the MC wants and will cower when the MC is angry. She likes the sense of power knowing that the FL, who is illiterate and submissive, is completely dependent on her since she can’t leave her life as the wife of a wealthy businesswoman. The MC’s personality makes sense due to her upbringing, and a little hypocritical considering she hates her father who cheated on her mother. I don’t like her at all, and I keep thinking that had the FL had not divorced her, she would have turned into her arrogant father and cheated on the FL because she didn’t appreciate her. That didn’t happen and it’s just a stereotype that happens in BG overbearing novels, but I don’t like that in my Yuri. I understand her character is temporary, so how much character growth does the MC get in the end? Does the dynamic between the MC and FL become more balanced?

  3. Luo Zhen was stunned when her wife of three years suddenly asked for a divorce. “Miss Luo, I don’t think we are suitable.” Her wife’s voice was still soft and sweet, but it was so cold and without a trace of emotion. Thinking that she had finally opened the fact that she is a married woman to her friends at a party few days ago, Luo Zhen felt like she had been slapped on the face. Thinking that her wife is well-behaved, considerate, gentle, virtuous, and a match made in heaven with herself, she was even reluctant show off her wife. “Miss Luo, if you don’t want to divorce, I will also apply to the court for separation.” The divorce agreement was in front of her along with her wife’s urging sounded in her ears. Luo Zhen, who was cold-hearted in the eyes of outsiders, felt an uncontrollable pain in her heart at this moment. “If you want to leave, then leave.” There was no explanation. Three years of marriage came to an end inexplicably. They met again five years later. The lady who was once the wife of the powerful Luo Group has now become a wine sales lady in a bar. The ex-wife, who was determined to divorce back then, didn’t seem to be very good. Luo Zhen sneered and pushed the person into the corner, the eyes on the glamorous and seductive face was cold. “When you left, you refused to take a penny and now you’re working at a bar to sell your looks?” The dull and dull ex-wife has the same personality as before, her face blushed at this comment. She was silent. It wasn’t until Luo Zhen’s lips were about to fall that she turned her head and refused softly. “Miss Luo, please show some respect. If you are worried that my current identity will shame your Luo’s name, you can rest assured that I have never disclosed our relationship with anyone.” Luo Zhen’s heart was blocked by anger. After a while, she released her ex-wife from her arms, and opened her mouth, asking in a coaxing tone, “in the first place, why did you want to get a divorce?”

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