
Casa » Dimension Forum

Dimension Forum

2.5 (15 opiniónes)
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"Otros tienen trampas, ¿qué pasa si solo tengo un foro?"

Decidido a publicar: ¡yo, el heredero de la voluntad de D, limpiaré al decadente gobierno mundial y al pueblo dragón! ¡Por favor testifique por mí y también reciba comentarios valiosos de amigos experimentados!
——Publicado por: D. Dorrag

¿Eh? ¿El propietario va en contra del sistema de toda la sociedad? ¡Se parece a mí y te alienta!
——Responder: SOX enseña para siempre

Mensaje de debate de los Raiders: sobre el principio operativo y el uso de objetos aspiracionales.
——Póster: Señor del Palacio de la Noche Virtual

Parece similar a los accesorios que pueden hacer que la alquimia no siga el principio de "intercambio equivalente". Podemos agregar un amigo.
——Responder: Hermano de Iron Man

También conozco un tipo de accesorios que pueden realizar el deseo, llamado "Alma de cuatro almas", pero ahora está roto.
——Responder: el perro sonó tan bien

Este es un administrador noble que usa foros para viajar por el mundo y proteger la paz mundial ...

- Descripción de Uukanshu


Título corto:DF
Titulo original:次元论坛
Autor(a):Gentleman East
Weekly Rank:#4950
Monthly Rank:#5178
All Time Rank:#5603
Tags:Chat Rooms, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Harem, Male Protagonist, Naruto, One Piece, Pokemon,
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15 vote(s)

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15 Comments on “Dimension Forum
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  1. *It is quite good , many just rate them as bad because of it being unreadable. Here is my way of reading it. Open in your browser ( the. Register an account with google. Its free. Then open a new tab search raw Chinese novel website like ( find the novel(次元论坛) in search bar-then huala!! Copy the chapter-paste to (chatopenai)-then at the end of the chapter you copied for ex.[ 很多很多很好的还是很时候选人更适合理想主义者 (end) -Translate the following manuscript to English while retaining all details, passages, and names exactly as they are. -Do not remove or delete any content, and avoid summarization. -If the translation reaches the word count limit, continue in the next response!!!! -Make sure to thoroughly inspect who's the characters in manuscript that is talking or having a dialogue while translating this story, for it cause no interchanging of the names of people making conversation in the story written . -If the translation came to part (end) don't add embellishments and add-on for the story.!!!!!! -keep the name 'Guan Liyuan' untranslated. -Maintain consistent character names between the original manuscript and the translation. If a character is referred to as Character A in the original, they should also be referred to as Character A in the translation. The same rule applies to all other characters." -Format names and places without diacritics or accents. Avoid any changes that alter the plot or content of the story!!!!!! -retain any form of brackets where they should be in a sentence when translating. -at the same time while translating dont add any more embellishments not in the original text manuscript after (end) remark. ] The English prompt is the most important part when translating using (chatopenai) that is what i used.You copy it and paste it at every end of chapters you want to translate. But here's the deal. While (chatopenai) is free there a words count limitation so after the ai translate your Chinese text. Send this prompt for it to continue your cut off translation. This is the prompt [-continue the cut off part ,at the same time while translating dont add any more embellishments not in the original text manuscript. After (end) remark.] that is all i just want to share .

  2. It is quite good , many just rate them as bad because of it being unreadable. Here is my way of reading it. Open in your browser ( the. Register an account with google. Its free. Then open a new tab search raw Chinese novel website like ( find the novel(次元论坛) in search bar-then huala!! Copy the chapter-paste to (chatopenai)-then at the end of the chapter you copied for ex.[ 很多很多很好的还是很时候选人更适合理想主义者 (end) -Translate the following manuscript to English while retaining all details, passages, and names exactly as they are. -Do not remove or delete any content, and avoid summarization. -If the translation reaches the word count limit, continue in the next response!!!! -Make sure to thoroughly inspect who's the characters in manuscript that is talking or having a dialogue while translating this story, for it cause no interchanging of the names of people making conversation in the story written . -If the translation came to part (end) don't add embellishments and add-on for the story.!!!!!! -keep the name 'Guan Liyuan' untranslated. -Maintain consistent character names between the original manuscript and the translation. If a character is referred to as Character A in the original, they should also be referred to as Character A in the translation. The same rule applies to all other characters." -Format names and places without diacritics or accents. Avoid any changes that alter the plot or content of the story!!!!!! -retain any form of brackets where they should be in a sentence when translating. -at the same time while translating dont add any more embellishments not in the original text manuscript after (end) remark. ] The English prompt is the most important part when translating using (chatopenai) that is what i used.You copy it and paste it at every end of chapters you want to translate. But here's the deal. While (chatopenai) is free there a words count limitation so after the ai translate your Chinese text. Send this prompt for it to continue your cut off translation. This is the prompt [-continue the cut off part ,at the same time while translating dont add any more embellishments not in the original text manuscript. After (end) remark.] that is all i just want to share .

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