
Casa » Dudu’s Diary

Dudu’s Diary

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4.9 (26 opiniónes)
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Yu Shanshan, quien ha sido tiránica e ilegal durante 20 años, sufrió represalias a la edad de 21 años. Cambió de ser una pequeña princesa de ballet de 45 kg a una pobre y gorda de 90 kg. Aparentemente, comer era Lo más importante en su vida. Su éxito en perder peso estaba muy lejos.

Sin embargo, un día, el padre de su hijo que había desaparecido durante cuatro años regresó. A partir de entonces, Yu Shanshan se vio obligado a embarcarse en una dieta peor que la muerte.

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Título corto:
Titulo original:嘟嘟日记
Weekly Rank:#4646
Monthly Rank:#6989
All Time Rank:#7459
Tags:Absent Parents, Cute Children, Female Protagonist, Modern Day, Single Parent,
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10 Comments on “Dudu’s Diary
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  1. Amigas, para no complicarse tanto la existencia es mejor pedir asesoramiento de un profesional médico ( nutriólogo) y un entrenador ya que para estos casos de pérdida de peso es necesario un equilibrio que no dañe el cuerpo y recordar que una buena alimentación sana, balanceada y equilibrada previene un montón de enfermedades 😊

  2. I just want to join the discussion about weight lossing in this story. I just want to point out that FL became overweight due to medical conditions thus having standards on her own weight since she gained extra weight within just 6 months, plus FL (as mentioned in the novel) wants to get thin but also cares about her body that's why she didn't just arbitrarily try any self diets and goes to professional for consultations (although in this case not that reliable at first), that is to ensure her health while she's try to lose weight, plus FL does have a certain goal in her weight loss and not just try to lose every weight that she can, at the latter part of the story, after a hard diet of cucumber and eggs, she also reintroduced normal diet for long-term maintenance. Also, it is specified that FL is not just a dancer, but a ballet dancer which requires certain weight maintenance (as far as I know) since it is also dangerous for them to exceed normal weight, since they litteraly dances on their toes, and it is also a consideration for their dance partners once they needed to be lifted. I just want to shout out our man ML for being supportive for her journey not because he thinks she's ugly, but because he wants her to regain her long loss self confidence, and also for voicing out his thoughts to our FL about it. He is not the heckler type that just wants her to accept her self no matter what when he can see that she just want to regain her self again and it's not an impossible goal plus he's there to support and care for her. Plus let's all accept that there are different beauty standards in different parts of the world, though we may not agree with them sometimes, I agree that the actual weight goal of FL is actually underweight, which in medical point of view is not good. But it's all a novel and let's just avoid it if we feel uncomfortable with reading it. Thank you author for a good read, but please don't abuse your charters too much next time! 😊

  3. this is torture for me, I have anorexia and recently my family forced me to go for psychological counseling How can she being so fat ... oh what an agony, if his image was perfect because it destroys ahhhhh going without food is not difficult, damn it because I have to read this...

  4. Our parents love us. Sometimes, they make us do some things we don't want to do. Because they believe it is for the best. So lets believe in them, tolerate sometimes :) and of course be filial. The most important thing is to be healthy. That includes the body, the mind and of course, the heart. Just hang in there. One day everything is going to be okay.

  5. At 180lbs she'd be overweight/mildly obese depending on her height but the health impacts of anorexia are potentially much worse. Of course overeating is bad, but undereating/skipping meals is just as bad, so i definitely wouldn't tell someone - even someone grossly obese, that they should skip meals. I hope you can learn to love your body enough to maintain it at a healthy range of weight. These novels especially chinese novels have very unrealistic and sometimes seriously unhealthy body 'goals' so it's better to just read it for entertainment~

  6. There are many way of dieting, and there is one right way. If your way is intermittent fasting, skipping a meal is the first step. Also, I think this novel portrayed the reality of beauty standards in China accurately, what with 5 yuan wrist diameter and vertical A4 wide waist challenge. So I think it's a bit unfair to make the author shouldering the whole big pot.

  7. 1. Have some sensitivity and common sense. OP is anorexic and you're here promoting diet trends??? 2. "These novels esp chinese novels" (what i said) implies quite clearly that it is a widespread problem than any one author however this novel IS an example of that unhealthy trend. Propagating this sort of thing which can harm susceptible audience means anyone - incl the douyin/tiktokers etc but also this author - bears culpability. If it were a comment under a video i would have talked about them, but this is a comment under this novel. Like i said, take it for entertainment value but don't hold yourself to these standards. [Also while we're at it, 'everyone in my culture does it' is really not an excuse for anything]

  8. From my view Actually it's simple, For everyone, Eat whatever you like (of course healthy food + "not everytime" Little junk food. 1 Hour at least, workout🏋🚴 at Jim / home , doing exercise nd yogas. So that figure will be well maintained always. In this way ur body will always be healthy both externally nd internally. And as for worries about figure, why punishing pitiful stomach nd starve yourself. *health is your most important wealth guys so tk care of it*

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