¿Viajas al mundo de Harry Potter con el sistema Glory of the King?
También hay una hermana gemela tonta, ¿Hermione es un amor de la infancia?
¡Harry! Te trato como a un hermano, pero ¿quieres ser mi cuñado?
- Descripción de MTLNovels
Título corto | : | HPKOG |
Titulo original | : | 哈利波特之王者荣耀 |
Estado | : | Dropped |
Autor(a) | : | Feed meow meat |
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This is a good novel, the problem is that there's so much missing chapters and it has been dropped. Please at least give the link for this novel so we can translate it ourselves.
I came back to checked the status of this novel and it says DROPPED!?? Noooooooo!!! Why another potential harry potter novel is dropped halfway.. (T ^ T) @admin is this status confirmed??
Well, in the original, Harry doesn't love Hermione. I repeat, Harry doesn't love Hermione. It's Ron. This novel summary kinda lowered my expectations of this novel cuz the author obviously haven't watch the movie or read the novel.
Nvm what I said. Just don't read this trash novel.
From the summary it is very obvious that Harry is in love with his twin sister (idk who), while Hermione is his childhood sweetheart. Pls read carefully, it was never mentioned that Harry loved Hermione
This is fanfiction, not canon. If the author want to ship Harry and Hermione, its fine. No need to follow the original one.