
Casa » League’s All-around Mid Laner

League’s All-around Mid Laner

2.8 (8 opiniónes)
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¡Es el amanecer de LPL!

¡Puede llegar a la cima del traje mundial en un mes con una tasa de victorias muy alta de 70!

¡Su Yasuo hace que todos los mid laners se sientan aterrorizados y siempre ocupará una posición de prohibición!

¡Puede usar 24 héroes diferentes seguidos para hacer una racha ganadora!

¡También tiene una novia anfitriona!

¡Los fanáticos lo llaman todopoderoso mid laner, dios eterno!

- Descripción de MTLNovels


Título corto:LAML
Titulo original:联盟之全能中单
Autor(a):Shadow Night God
Weekly Rank:#6516
Monthly Rank:#6479
All Time Rank:#7631
Tags:Early Romance, Gaming/E-Sport, Strong to Stronger, System,
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8 vote(s)

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33 Comments on “League’s All-around Mid Laner
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  1. Let's not pretend that LGBTQ plus, plus, minus and divide is our problem. It's western exaggeration of things. Gay people and lesbian people in my country are tough as fck, we don't need to defend them because they can fight for themselves. Westerns LGBTQ on the other are obnoxious as fck.

  2. You hate Yaoi stories? DON'T READ THEM!!! I also don't like Yaoi stories, but that DOES NOT mean I have the privilege of causing trouble to others and force others to conform to my wished. This site provides FREE translations, so you butthurt a**holes have not right to complain. If you don't like it, then don't fucking read it. Only a masochist will do something that they to do - like homophobes reading Yaoi. The only time that I will personally complain about Yaoi fiction is when they don't explicitly tell that they are Yaoi fiction. Especially those sneaky ones that will jump into surprise buttsecks. 'Here I was enjoying reading then the next second I'm screaming (internally) for brain bleach.' Let Yaoi have what they want. They don't complain about the site having too many straight or harem stories, do they?

  3. I like how everyone here complains about too many yaoi story here when they literally only post 1 yaoi story/day. Like stfu bro. If you don't like yaois, then recommend your own stories jackass. Stop complaining about people who actually try to recommend their stories that they like and do it yourself.

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