
Casa » Shao Song

Shao Song

3.7 (3 opiniónes)
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Shao, uno va a seguir; el otro es guiar.

En 1127 d.C., la dinastía Song del Norte pereció. Inmediatamente, Zhao Gou, el noveno hijo del emperador, ascendió al trono en Shangqiu, heredó Song Tong y cambió a Yuan Jianyan.

Sin embargo, en tres meses, Li Gang detuvo al ministro, Chen Dong fue asesinado, Yue Fei fue expulsado del ejército, Zongze fue abandonado en Tokio y el acuerdo anti-dorado de Hebei fue completamente abolido ... Después de tanto esfuerzo, la civilización manchú finalmente unificó la mente. , Establezca una ruta anti-dorada brillante para apoyar a la familia de Zhao en su viaje hacia el sur de Huaidian a Yangzhou

Pero tan pronto como partió, después de rendir homenaje a los antepasados ​​taoístas en el Palacio Mingdao en Bozhou, el oficial Zhao cayó en el mundialmente famoso pozo Jiulong. Después de levantarse, ¡no reconoció quién era su secuaz!

¡Quiero luchar contra el oro! ¿Pero dónde están mis confidentes? !

Este es un llanto sincero del alma novecientos años después. Después de heredar a regañadientes el nombre de la dinastía Song, quiso guiar a la corte imperial y al mundo por un nuevo camino.

Por eso se llama Shao Song.

- Descripción de MTLNovels


Título corto:SS
Titulo original:绍宋
Autor(a):Grenade is afraid of water
Weekly Rank:#9071
Monthly Rank:#9022
All Time Rank:#9453
Tags:Ancient China, Ancient Times, Imperial Harem, Kingdom Building, Politics, Power Struggle, Royalty, Schemes And Conspiracies, Strategic Battles, Wars,
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21 Comments on “Shao Song
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  1. i'm like 50 chs in, and honestly it's a shitshow. so to give a short summary, the mc is a random normal student who basically has no experience in anything gets thrown into the chaotic period of the late northern song dynasty. so first lets talk about the expected outcome of this story everyone reading will basically expect the outcome of him eventually fixing the empire and turning the situation around and blah blah, the problem is it makes no sense when you assume the follow premise above. its like saying which is more likely do you think a experience general or a random nobody will turn the situation in a war? answers obvious. likewise in this scenario idk what the author is thinking any normal person thrown into that situation wouldn't be able to do shit that's the biggest plot hole in the story. this is precisely why when you write these novels they are traversers because the whole point is to give the mc a fundamental advantage to turn the situation around. ex in rebirth business novels often the mc is rebirthed with future knowledge of business trends so they use that to make a fortune, in other rebirth dynasty novels the mcs are rebirth with either technology knowledge, future history, governance and management, or a combination of these. what of these does the mc have aside from a bit of future history thats not even detailed? basically the author gave him nothing.

  2. ch 350, the author is honestly straight up retarded. the mc if i'm reading it right is mentioned to be a engineering student, i'm not in engineering but i'm assuming they would have basic knowledge in mathematics and physics. for whatever reason the mc never introduced any of these? the closest he has come is settling a dispute between the ideaology of qi and such. honestly the mc could definetely set up a modern education system. also i get that at the start everything was a mess so he really didn't have any room to maneuver but so far he has won 2 battles and pretty much the country is in a much more stable state he definetely has room to make changes. as a engineering student i don't see why he can't make simple invention, i'm not asking him to go and shit out a computer. but for gods sake can't he make something simple. lastly i really don't understand why he doesn't implement towards a more modern system and don't give me that bs that he doesn't know shit he literally grew up in the modern system.

  3. Oh my god, I'm having a headache from reading this novel! you're an mtl admin, looks like you're not good at word editing!

  4. If you don't have any problems with Chinese superiority theory and racism than HIGHLY RECOMMENDED...

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