
Casa » Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells

Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells

4.2 (6 opiniónes)
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[Cuando lanzas un hechizo 1000 veces, el daño de todas las habilidades aumentará permanentemente en +10000. En este momento, tu hechizo de bola de fuego es equivalente a TNT. 】

[Lanzas hechizos 300.000 veces, aumentando permanentemente el daño de la habilidad a +3 millones. En este momento, tu técnica de bola de fuego es equivalente a la explosión de una bomba atómica. 】

[Lanzas hechizos 80 millones de veces, aumentando permanentemente el daño de tu habilidad en +800 millones. ¡En este momento, tu técnica de bola de fuego es equivalente a la explosión de una supernova! 】

Se acerca una catástrofe global,

¡Lu Cheng regresó del apocalipsis y regresó al primer día del desastre para desbloquear talentos de nivel súper dios!

Drenaje sin fin: ¡Cada vez que lanzas un hechizo, el daño de todas las habilidades aumentará permanentemente en 10 puntos!

Entonces, Lu Cheng apiló las capas en silencio y se volvió invencible antes de darse cuenta.

¿La guerra nacional ha comenzado y está asediada por las fuerzas de la coalición enemiga? No existe. ¿Entiendes el disuasivo de bolas de fuego?

¿Un BOSS de clase mundial con cientos de millones de puntos de vida? Me alcanzó una bola de fuego, ¿qué puedo hacer?

¿La civilización a nivel de Dios invade y fácilmente hace estallar el sol? ¡Mi técnica de bola de fuego es como el sol!

Hasta que los dioses unieron fuerzas para bloquear y atraparon a Lu Cheng en el Reino del Dios del Fuego Prohibido.

Lu Chengcai mostró las otras 100 habilidades: "¿Quién te dijo que sólo conozco la técnica de la bola de fuego?"

- Descripción de MTLNovels


Título corto:SPAMSAAFS
Titulo original:施法永久加法强,我技能都是禁咒
Autor(a):Pan-fried buns filled with soup
Weekly Rank:#2426
Monthly Rank:#1989
All Time Rank:#5528
Tags:Game Elements, Male Protagonist, Second Chance,
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6 vote(s)

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8 Comments on “Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells
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  1. The paragraphs are all over the place starting from chapter 133 . By the way the poison contant of this novel is tolerable just a bit of descrimination towards Japan and US . There is no selfless contribution to country or millitary till ch 134

  2. Most Chinese global super talented protagonists always turn bad over the annoying female lead, constantly breaking the rules the author made, bad planning, becoming dull too fast due to op talents etc. Most of these novel types are clones of each other with small changes here and there, they rarely do one right. Is anyone willing to test this novel to prove me wrong with all the experience I have gained over my time.

  3. Bro i would have had helped u but u see i tested another novel that was filled with Chinese supremancy,every country except china id dump,the countries don't get any resources when clearly it was the other country's property but since they did not share the mc from china just removed them i don't get why they make every country bad except china i mean do they have brains or when they start writing they only think i have to criticize everything except china by taking some dru#s and the logic they give makes no sense

  4. You have to remember one key difference from USA that China does not have, the Chinese people can't insult their leader or country. They also seem to be forced to say and bend the things they do to fit the CCP and its agenda. That is the reason you see most of these novels turn bad since the authors have to bend their work to fit an agenda not planned. All the reasons I stated before are why most novels that take place in blue star and other similar names for earth are bad novels. The only good stories you might see are stories where the protagonist has little to no involvement with the government or earth.

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