La mayoría de las protagonistas femeninas de las novelas románticas históricas tienen que vivir experiencias miserables. Siempre serán incomprendidos, traicionados por su familia, incomprendidos por sus amantes, intimidados por sus suegras, incriminados por sus rivales ...
Siempre serán amables, perdonarán a quienes la traicionen, se enamorarán de alguien que los hiere una y otra vez, tratarán a su malvada suegra como una figura maternal, tratarán al hijo de su rival como si fuera suyo. , antes de finalmente obtener su final feliz.
Cuando Su Yuan se convirtió en la protagonista femenina de dicha novela: tengo algo que decir ... no estoy segura de si es apropiado o no.
Una protagonista femenina de una novela que involucra conflictos palaciegos√
Una protagonista femenina donde lentamente se hace más fuerte√
Una protagonista femenina de una novela para jóvenes educados√
Una protagonista femenina que vive situaciones miserables√
Una protagonista femenina que hace un gran esfuerzo√
Recordatorio amistoso: 1 contra 1, el protagonista masculino siempre es el mismo ~
- Descripción de Novelupdates
Título corto | : | FLQ |
Titulo original | : | 女主不干了(快穿) |
Estado | : | Completed |
Autor(a) | : | 邈邈一黍 |
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Capítulo 46 The heroine who was taken painstakingly (end) 2021-01-21 01:10:11 Capítulo 45 The heroine who was taken painstakingly (3) 2021-01-21 01:10:07 Capítulo 44 The heroine who was taken painstakingly (2) 2021-01-21 01:10:05 Capítulo 43 The heroine who was taken painstakingly (1) 2021-01-21 01:10:01 Capítulo 42 The heroine in the affair (end) 2021-01-21 01:10:00
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Does anyone remember the title of this transmigration novel? One story is where the female protagonist is bullied all her life due to her height (at school) and isolated at home as she is the child of her parents who married, but have children from their previous marriage who bully her. However, only when the parents give birth to twins, do the two children grow up and get along with the family, treating the twins as siblings but leaving her out. She hears a rock metal band song in college and instantly loves it. It leads to her meeting her then-boyfriend, who plays a rock metal band with his friends, and she joins. She’s a great musician and eventually surpasses the rest in skills, elevating the band’s reputation, but they leave her out when they are approached to be commercialized. In addition, she finds that her boyfriend cheated on her, so losing both the band and her lover, she commits suicide. The transmigrator or MC comes in and breaks up with her boyfriend and makes him pay the costs for all her created songs (most of which made them famous). One irony is he thinks she still loves him, but MC doesn’t, and she uses that money to buy her own residence and move from her home (leaving that family household). Also, a reason for their breakup was he felt insecure as she was talented, taller than him, and not dependent on him. She continues translating as she’s working as a translator as a side job in college and is looking for a new band to join. She then has an opportunity of a test from a top-level rock metal band, and she succeeds, but she thinks it’s a scam until they call her to confirm. On the other hand, the ex-boyfriend and his girlfriend, with their bandmates, go on a variety show, but only the ex-boyfriend makes it, and the girlfriend harasses him, fearing he’d abandon her (ironic!). She then tries to slander the MC by saying she’s joining the top band, but she already did at the time, and she is found out for slandering. It soon evolves into a criminal case as she murders her boyfriend, and the ex-bandmates return to their ordinary life. The MC, however, works quickly to graduate and practice music to fit the band for their first performance. She does a great job and takes the stage and world by storm, leading the band to the top (the previous singer and guitarist left the band for another —> not as good as before as two musicians in the top band are uncontrolled and wild, but MC can control them). The happy ending of the story in the transmigration series. Thank you so much!
Did you get the title of the book?
Lumayan.... Tapi penulisannya gmn ya, kurang detail aja gitu. Tiba" melompat ke beberapa tahun kemudian tanpa ada penjelasan di awal.jadi sering bingung pas baca. Lalu jg terlalu banyak narasi/deskripsi, percakapan antar tokoh atau peran pendamping sangat jarang
Is ok.. It has a slice of life flow? Romance and and progression glossed over, kinda boring.. But still tolarable
Tooo short TT