
Casa » The World of Mercenaries: The National Boss Is a Girl

The World of Mercenaries: The National Boss Is a Girl

Cover The World of Mercenaries: The National Boss Is a GirlCover The World of Mercenaries: The National Boss Is a Girl
1.5 (4 opiniónes)
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Una vez asesinada, era la hija de un rico hombre de negocios y el rey de los mercenarios.

A primera vista, ella robó su auto y lo llevó a experimentar la velocidad de la vida o la muerte.

Adiós, se interpuso en su camino y casi le hizo besar la tierra íntimamente.

La odiaba hasta la médula, y apretaba los dientes todos los días pensando en cómo tratar con ella.

más tarde……

“Hermana pequeña, ese hombre humilde y gentil no puede ser tocado. “Él” es un viejo zorro que ha practicado durante miles de años. Si no prestas atención, te desollarán, te partirán los huesos y te tragarán”.

La pequeña se despidió de su amante soñado con lágrimas en los ojos.

Tan pronto como la voz del hombre bajó, corrió con un banderín y dijo: "Mi esposa, corté otra flor de durazno para tu esposo".

Con el pelo corto y un traje de hombre, toda la gente está loca, y todo tipo de elegancia.

Heroína gentil, de vientre oscuro y poderosa VS Aojiao, el héroe secundario

- Descripción de MTLNovels


Título corto:TNBIAG
Titulo original:佣兵天下:国民大佬是女生
Autor(a):Prepare some thin tea
Weekly Rank:#7743
Monthly Rank:#9878
All Time Rank:#9083
Tags:Crossdressing, Female Protagonist,
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4 vote(s)

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16 Comments on “The World of Mercenaries: The National Boss Is a Girl
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  1. Şuan 362. Bölümdeyim ve sadece Yu Donling için üzülüyorum. Niye hiç kimse onu düşünmüyor neden shanguang için kendini sürekli feda etmek zorunda inşaallah o kız da biraz akıllanır ve babasını bırakabilir. Ve donhlingin ailesi onu nasıl bulamıyor zengin değiller miydi. Kitap çok güzel ama olaylar değişmezse oturup ağlıycam valla. Yu dongling inşaallah kitapta mutlu olabiliyordur.

  2. Well, this story is really messy. The MC is supposed to be a extremely smart mercenary. As a mercenary, you guy should assume that the MC is a strategic person with a cold heart. But not. Is very stupid and easy to believe people. I’m almost finishing the story and I don’t know who’s the real partner of the MC and even II am speechless about the stupidity of the MC as a leader. The story is not ineligible, but is definitely not so good, maybe to spend some time if you are really bored like me. The only thing that is very interesting for me is that this is really the only chinese novel that I have read that has a bisexual MC, very interesting.

  3. All i can say this novel is not complete, and first few chapters it is really interesting but as it progress. It becomes unbearable to read its quite become a chaotic 😕. So i don't recommend you read it.

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