
Casa » Transmigration: First Class Immortal Husband

Transmigration: First Class Immortal Husband

4.5 (59 opiniónes)
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Una vez que el genio farmacéutico del mundo interestelar viajó a la Familia de Cultivo del Continente Tianlin, lo atraparon en la cama el día del cumpleaños de su abuelo.

Mirando al adúltero que acaba de pasar, Gu Yao abrió las manos, ¿qué piensas?

El adúltero Chi Changye respondió con seriedad: Seré responsable.

Gu Yao: …

Palabras clave: Transmigration One Pin Xianfu, North Wind Blows, Gu Yao, Chi Changye, Upgrade Liu Shuangwen, HE

- Descripción de MTLNovels


Título corto:FCIH
Titulo original:穿越之一品仙夫
Autor(a):north wind blows
Weekly Rank:#1058
Monthly Rank:#1051
All Time Rank:#1541
Tags:Alchemy, Cultivation, Genius Protagonist, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Lucky Protagonist, Magical Space, Pharmacist, Power Couple, Sword Wielder, Transmigration, Xianxia,
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38 Comments on “Transmigration: First Class Immortal Husband
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  1. What is wrong with you people? Are you really from 21st century? People have right to choose whom to love. Gender doesn't matter. Who are you to criticize? Don't force your thoughts on others. Live and let live.

  2. Solo eres homofóbico ese es todo tu problemas. Y que te parezca repugnante solo Muestra tu falta de aceptación a algo natural que es afecto o amor que parece que se te negaron. Y deberías ir a un psicólogo por qué creo que tienes un problema ya que esto es solo un libro

  3. So you are a disgusting same sex type people i guess. Bro if think in logical senesce you will know that they are really disgusting (if you really have that). And you won't find disgusting if you have twisted mentality. And if you are an atheist who believe in science then search in the google 'what are medical problem of the 'same sex' and 'opposite sex'' you will know by then that it's harmful for the 'homo sapienses' to doing sex with same type people. And if you are a religious person of any major religions that is christianism, Buddhism, hinduism, islamism or jewishism they forbade doing sex with the 'same type sex'. And if you are not any of them religious or atheist then your life is doom.

  4. Based on medical records for some same-sex (example: male x male) relationships/marriage was/would be recorded as more associated to/with greater risk of depression, substance abuse, and suicide, compared with being in an opposite-sex marriage (example: male x female).;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1684486644/RO=10/ Same-sex marriage, as a proxy for sexual orientation, was associated with increased risk of certain mental health diagnoses and shared familial confounding explained a small component of this association, depending on the diagnosis. The findings indicate that sexual orientation disparities in mental health outcomes may involve UNMEASURED FACTORS, and a relatively small proportion should be considered that may be due to shared familial confounding relevant to both sexual orientation and psychopathology. However... mental health unmeasured factors basically means the people surrounding the same sex couple. Just imagine if it isn't just you/one person saying that "they're disgusting" but family members, friends, ex-friends, neighbors, townsfolk, city folk, and more... but they kept telling that someone, that same sax couple or person the same thing everyday wouldn't that person(s) eventually begin to believe it? Most of the mental problems associated with same sex can actually be traced back to society. Society=if i don't know what it is kill it. Society=if i don't understand what it is destroy/shun it. As for religion: if (Christian) god made us with free will then what is the problem? it's also against body modification - Breast implants, face lift and so much more... and yes that does count. I'm quite sure I can nitpick at the other religions too but it is disrespectful just you are you are being by calling someone "disgusting" for their sexual preference. Harmful to the body? Sex itself speeds up ones heart rate and if one it not careful could result in heart attack. It is also possible to die from too much sex - that has nothing to do with same sexes... Anyway same sex couples having sex and it being harmful to the body, well, any sex could be harmful whether same sex or opposite sex. Not of an argument is it? As for the research depending on the time period it could be biased or out of date. That research done before could be different results now. Please keep in mind that calling someone "disgusting" or anything else repeatedly can result in that persons brain to start to believe it... kind of like trying to memorize something a person would repeat it until they remembered it but what if that persons name was tom and tom was told his name was Tiffany repeatedly everyday and no longer called tom even though he did not want to be called Tiffany? Eventually, tom would become Tiffany and whole slew of problems would follow like: does tiffany want to be referred to as a she not a he, does tiffany want to cross-dress, does tiffany want to remain a male or go full on female through surgery? Something like this happening would take years... ask yourself could you take being called, "disgusting" and other words from everyone around you, for years with no end in sight? Don't be a bully. If you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all.-Bambi movie

  5. Hello nathasha. You gave very informative answer that is good. But there is a little problem and that is majority (99/100) of homosexual people's mind became twisted from the society you are making example of. And why their mind became twisted from 'society' you are talking about is they have sexual depression. Why ther are many reason such as doing masturbation while seing pornographic movie, anime, picture, novel, etc. Such as they do sex too much befor they could gorw up that age. There are many other reason i can't quot that much reason in this comment section but you can search on the internet about this topic and i am sure you will get the result. And what various religion say about this topic? Brother/ sister please do little deep research about your religion if you are religious. Research the divine book of your religion. If you are christian then research the BIBLE. What his creator (Jesus christ) says in the bible. Not his ( jesus christ)'s followers says. And if you are hindu search the VEDA. if you are Muslim then research the QURAN. And about what Jesus Christ says. he never nowhaere in Bible give the freedom to do sex with same sex type of people.He was not given the permission to do that by his creator. ather he warns his followers to not do that. Because if they do that then they will be punished by the creator. There are already an example that Dead Sea. there is a tribe that do this kind of thing and they were punished by the creator. And that's tribe name is samood. brother or sister please search in the internet about this topic. you will find that it is very harmful for the human body. why? they will loose the ability to give birth and lose their sexual arousal permanently if they do that continuously. and it is also harmful to drink the fluid the release during sex. and please don't debate if you didn't do your research on this topic. so please do the research first. search the medical cases about this topic. and about the disgusting thingy you mentioned about me. there is a little misunderstanding of your about me. I am not disgusted by the homosexual people. I am disgusted what they do. I don't know if you get that it is very disgusting. if I say it in a bad language then it's sounds like this if a guy stick his dick to another guy should I say penetrate his dick to another guys ass it is very disgusting or drink the fluid they release during sex. it's very disgusting. really disgusting. or if a girl rub her vagina to another girl or dildoed another girls vagina or ass or drink their fluid during sex it's also very disgusting. really disgusting. I hope you get the answer.

  6. Hello nathasha. You gave very informative answer that is good. But there is a little problem and that is majority (99/100) of homosexual people's mind became twisted from the society you are making example of. And why their mind became twisted from 'society' you are talking about is they have sexual depression. Why ther are many reason such as doing masturbation while seing pornographic movie, anime, picture, novel, etc. Such as they do sex too much befor they could gorw up that age. There are many other reason i can't quot that much reason in this comment section but you can search on the internet about this topic and i am sure you will get the result. And what various religion say about this topic? Brother/ sister please do little deep research about your religion if you are religious. Research the divine book of your religion. If you are christian then research the BIBLE. What his creator (Jesus christ) says in the bible. Not his ( jesus christ)'s followers says. And if you are hindu search the VEDA. if you are Muslim then research the QURAN. And about what Jesus Christ says. he never nowhere in Bible give the freedom to do sex with same sex type of people.He was not given the permission to do that by his creator. rather he warns his followers to not do that. Because if they do that then they will be punished by the creator. There are already an example that the "Dead Sea". there is a tribe that do this kind of thing and they were punished by the creator. And that's tribe name is samood. brother or sister please search in the internet about this topic you will get the answer. And it is very for the the human body. why? they will loose the ability to give birth and lose their sexual arousal permanently if they do that continuously. and it is also harmful to drink the fluid the release during sex. and please don't debate if you didn't do your research on this topic. so please do the research first. search the medical cases about this topic. about the "disgusting" word. and you mentioned it several time. there is a little misunderstanding of your about me. I am not disgusted by the homosexual people. I am disgusted what they do. I don't know if you get that but it is very disgusting. if I say it in a straight forward language then it's sounds like this if a guy stick his dick to another guy or should I say penetrate his dick to another guys ass it is very disgusting or drink the fluid they release during sex. it's very disgusting. really disgusting. or if a girl rub her vagina to another girl or dildoed another girls vagina or ass or drink their fluid during sex it's also very disgusting. really disgusting. I hope you get the answer soon and undserstan it soon.

  7. I'm pretty sure that being a homophobic bitch isn't a job 🤔. PLEASE 🙏!!! do something better with your life other than posting your very not needed opinion on a book that has a cover with 2 guys on it and with a genre that says yaoi . Thank you🤗❤.

  8. si no le gusta este genero pues no lea, tampoco es como que nos interese su ideología, viva como quiera y deje vivir. Entre mas odio, mas demuestra lo pobre de su humanidad.

  9. Bro, this is just a novel. Why the heck is there a mess here? Can you just leave if you hate bl? Why make yourself suffer from disgust and hate? Weirdos. People are entitled to say their opinion but please put it in the right place. While it doesn't seem wrong because of free speech, it does show your lack of manners and upbringing.

  10. My god KAKAKAKKKK I didn't know people like that existed in real life. I thought it was a KAAAKAKKA myth. But man, if you don't like it, ok, but keep your poison to yourself. Like, I don't like straight people, I WOULD NEVER READ SOMETHING STRAIGHT, but I still don't go out throwing stones in the street. I even have friends who are, but you know, them there and me here.

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